Birthdays, for the most part, are very fun occasions. My students in school still love to advertise their special days, announce what they hope to get, and what fun plans they may have coming up to celebrate. For my own children, a birthday is huge - after all, there's two of them!
They turned 5 this past summer, and so far, every single birthday (and rightfully so) has turned into a multiple-day affair: fun party with some little friends, a day with relatives over, and a day with just mommy and daddy to have fun and be together.
Someone very dear to me is having a birthday today. It would of course be very cliche to say how she gets better with age like a fine wine, etc., etc. Furthermore, I probably couldn't blame you for cringing.
However, I've known this person for almost half of our lives. Considering that, I would argue I am very much an authority figure on saying that she indeed gets more and more amazing by the day. That said, without further ado -
A very happy birthday wish to...
-my very best friend
-an incredibly talented teacher
-a wonderful, loving mother
-someone who inspires me, challenges me, puts up with me, makes life that much better...
Happy Birthday KJ! Love you
Thanks, Honey. I love you too. You are my best friend and more than I could ask for...ever. You're the best!