Tuesday, March 20, 2012


You know what's crazy? This time a year ago, my two kiddos (twins) could not ride a bike without their training wheels. Totally acceptable; they were only four. I knew they really wanted to be able to ride their bikes, but they just weren't there yet. Fast-forward to September...they finally hit that point where they are able to ride all on their own. Such an exciting time for us all! For me, it was a very proud papa moment :)

Now? All of a sudden, they're racing down the alley, going up hills, around the block, begging to go for bike rides around Lake Harriet as a family! Today they - along with their buddy down the street - took me on 4 laps around the block looking for signs of Spring.

I suppose I really could have titled this "Growth" or "Progress," because that's what I always marvel at with my children...and beyond that, with my students. Kids' abilities to grow, expand, learn, and improve continues to inspire and motivate me.

All you parents out there can probably add a lot more. After all, my children are only five. I'm sure people with kids older have many more stories. Here are a couple truths I know for sure: I can't wait to see my children to continue to grow, stretch, improve and learn. And, I look forward (every year, really) to see how my former students have grown in their own lives as well.


1 comment:

  1. I love watching our kids grow. My favorite thing about this is that they're outside, getting fresh air and exercise. The best. And you are such a good daddy, taking the time to play with them and model how to do it the right way. Thank you for always being the kind of dad they can look up to.
