Friday, February 21, 2020

Students as Clients

Years ago, if presented with this line of thinking, I probably would've scoffed and disagreed. I might have thought it too "business-y" and not nearly centered enough on the people involved. I'm sure my perception would have been that it seems "transaction-al" and not nearly altruistic enough.

Let's just say my thinking and feeling have changed and evolved over time. Now, my approach is basically this:

Students - and everything about their learning - is exactly the (our) business. The kids are absolutely the clients. And when I lean into this thinking, it shapes and focuses my approach on multiple levels. First, it keeps the students at the center...after all, that's what this is all about --> growing and developing future thinkers, leaders, problem solvers for an increasingly complex world. This way of thinking also propels planning and instruction with the mindset acknowledging each student as an individual who learns in their own best way. This helps in creating personalized learning pathways that maximize the student experience and learning.

In many ways, the student experience is like any other client experience. Meeting them where they are, gaining trust and building relationships, and looking for ways to maximize growth, learning, and positive effects.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to see you "back in the saddle" here! I couldn't help but notice all of the ways that the Learning Framework is reflected in this post. Kudos!
    Have a great weekend!
