Thursday, April 15, 2021

Simple Yet (Hopefully) Effective

Something I've always done as a teacher - for 20 years now - has been to greet my students at the door as they come in for class. Additionally, I have always stood in the hallway before first hour and during each passing time throughout the day. It's a great way to have a positive interaction with kids; remind them that you know their name; maybe ask a question about their day/weekend/previous day/game last night, etc. More than anything, what I hope it does is help kids feel welcome.

It's been a little different this year. Students are more spaced out in the halls. For much of the year, only half of the students have been here at a time. There can be a sense of emptiness and even loneliness when you're sitting outside your class waiting for some traffic to come by! Plenty of times over the years I've laughed to myself thinking I'm like Kramer from Seinfeld when he set a mock front porch.

Happy Independence Day from Anytown, USA - Album on Imgur 

Maybe it's generational, but I really enjoy seeing and talking to people in the hallway as they go by - students, fellow teachers, custodians - anyone. It's great to share laughs/jokes with the kids, and razz the older ones you had in previous years. 

It's been hard to get that same feel this year with masks and more distance. Couple that with the fact that kids have spent more time away from people than with others for the past 13 months and it's easy to understand how many are a bit "rusty" with some of the interpersonal skills. Eye contact, the knowing head nod, saying hello, etc. More days than not I am met with more awkward silence, stunted hellos, and short answers than I'd care to admit, but I am sticking with it! Serenity Now...

More than anything, this time has reinforced to me just how much I thrive on communicating, collaborating, and working with others - live and in person as much as possible! No matter what lines of work I find myself in, I know that this is something I'll need. Until next time neighbor...

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