Wednesday, September 15, 2021


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Been thinking quite a bit lately about what's important - especially when it comes to learning and teaching. Typically you'll find that phrase written the other way around: Teaching and Learning. However, I am striving to be much more intentional in reversing the order. 


Because everything starts and ends with Learning.

In my mind, the number 1 goal as an educator has always been to promote, foster, and help create a love and natural curiosity for learning. 

With that said, here are some of the things I find are essential when it comes to tools, skills, strategies and resources students need to feel and become successful.

-A consistent time and place to study and/or work on homework. This can be tricky with busy lives and activities, but if students have a place in their home they mentally designate as the "work/study" place, they'll have a better mindset for that time. Some consistency around the "when" can also help in establishing and maintaining positive work habits. 

-An organizational method or system. Our school is a binder school (much evidence and research around to support this!) and this works pretty well. For some, it might be the use of folders and notebooks; others it might be an accordion file. Either way, a consistent, clearly labeled system will pay dividends. On that note...

-Planner use and/or direct instruction on Time Management! I've found that most students under the age of 14 or 15 really benefit from using a paper planner. Much can be said of the cognitive benefits of writing things down and being able to go back to check. Most schools and districts have LMS with calendar features. Teaching and training kids on how to effectively utilized these as well goes a long way.

-A school filled with caring adults that kids feel they can trust and lean on. Enough said. This is most definitely #1 and can't be overstated.

-The opportunity for students to build and use their voices consistently and creatively is huge! 

-The chance to READ and WRITE. Every. Single. Day.

-The space to take chances boldly, fail safely, and reflect thoughtfully. 

-An environment with high expectations around LISTENING to and RESPECTING different voices, viewpoints, and experiences. 

-Consistency from me as their teacher; with high expectations, support, and follow-through. 

Thoughts? Anything you'd add? Agree or disagree?


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