Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Aaaand We're Back!

Let's get the "Captain Obvious" stuff out of the way early...things are weird, different, off lately. For everyone. Everywhere. I reside in but one very small corner of this vast world, trying to hold things down while keeping the learning going with my students at school - remotely, of course.

To be honest, there's just so much to wrap one's head around that instead of a focused writing today, it'll be more of a rambling list of thoughts...

  • I work for and with a pretty incredible district. The time used to develop and expand Distance Learning capabilities was invaluable. There are so many talented, flexible, passionate and committed people all working together to try and make this work best for our students. It's quite inspiring actually.
  • Students seem to be doing a great job adjusting to these first couple of days with Distance Learning. They have asked thoughtful questions (for the most part 😉) when needed, and have shown to be quite responsible and resourceful.
  • It's been great to see my own kids adjust positively. They both have loved being able to pound thru their work at a high clip, connect with teachers if needed, and then move on to doing other activities, play outside, etc. 
  • Observing my wife put in so much great work as a 1st grade teacher has been awesome. She's quite fantastic!
  • I wonder what types of long-term changes will come from all of this...it will be very interesting to see. Just like many other industries, the type of innovative and creative, problem-solving thinking going on will undoubtedly lead to positive developments.

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