Thursday, March 12, 2020

Uncharted Territory

These are some pretty wild, wild times we have going on right now. Never before have I had to answer so many questions from students with different versions of "I'm not sure; I don't know; you guys know as much as I do; etc." Maybe in the weeks following 9-11, but that now feels like a bit of a different world. Certainly from a standpoint of connectivity and speed of information flow, it was much different. Back then, a student might have a question that arose from something they saw in the newspaper or on the evening/morning news. Now, the kids have a world of information at their fingertips all the time - whether they like it or not.

When I think about my own experience in trying to keep up with the onslaught of information and the current state of affairs, I can only image what these kids might be thinking from time to time. More than once already today, I have needed to take a deep breath and give a couple young people the benefit of the doubt with their behavior, poor choice in humor, and spreading of potentially misleading information because honestly, they don't know much better and are trying there best like the rest of us. It's just that it can sometimes tire a guy out!

I have especially raised awareness around our students who may already deal with anxiety and mental health struggles on a daily basis...all of this certainly can't help matters! I'm also aware that some students may have elderly relatives currently confined in locked-down nursing homes, parents that travel a lot for work, and older siblings in far-off places for college.

While I have no intel, insight, or useful knowledge different from anyone else at this point, I certainly feel as though I have a takeaway to keep at the forefront of our minds when dealing with one another (from a distance or not) -- have grace. Just a little bit of added kindness, understanding, sympathy and perhaps empathy could go a long way as we chart this unknown terrain.

Stay safe and healthy out there!

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