Monday, April 27, 2020

Acceptane then Perseverance

Late last week, we were hit with the hard yet unsurprising news that the school year would be finished via Distance Learning. Most people figured it was coming; some folks were thinking that by May 4th - the initial "push to" date - we'd be able to work our way back into the buildings and get back with our students and colleagues. I fell directly in the camp of "not surprised, but definitely gutted."

Here's the thing...most of us really, really miss being with our students and collaborating with colleagues in person.While I continue to be impressed by all the work being put in from all levels - admin, technology integration specialists, teachers, paras, students and parents - there are just some elements of the job that can't necessarily be replicated in this current reality.

So, after those moments of feeling bad, feeling sorry for oneself, and being mad/upset in general, you just have to buckle in and say "alright, let's do this." The fact of the matter is there are so many variables out of our control, the best way to go is absolutely zero in on those things we can influence and make better.

With that said, we're going to make the absolute best out of these last few weeks. Lots of face time with students; fun and (hopefully) engaging activities; learning that can connect kids to each other (remotely), their family (when applicable), and the outdoors (essential!).

We'll make it work; we'll make it good; we'll take the best of this learning to the best of current practices and be better off in the long run.

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